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Version: 1.0.8

Discharge Summary

Meta hOS provide a full-fledge discharge summary feature. Users can create discharge summary forms depending on and choose the required form while discharging the patient.

To get started click on Discharge button available in IP Action Box.

IP Action Array

Nurse request for filling discharge form​

Any nurse can request to fill discharge form. The treating doctor should approve the discharge request.

Nurse request discharge

Doctor discharging​

A treating doctor can directly choose a discharge form and start filling it.

Treating doctor can choose discharge form

Or the doctor can approve any pending request.

Doctor approving pending request

Nurse or Doctor filling the discharge form​

The nurse can fill a discharge summary but can't discharge the patient directly. The doctor can review the form and then can choose to discharge or clear the form.

Nurse filling discharge form

Doctor discharging the patient​

The doctor can View or Edit discharge form with the help of the Edit button. After satisfaction Doctor can choose to discharge the patient.

Doctor discharging the patient

A print of form can be taken after discharge, however this feature is configurable for 3 cases:

  1. Print Discharge summary only after discharge
  2. Only doctor can print discharge summary before discharge
  3. Print can be taken by anyone after filling discharge summary

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