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Version: 1.0.22

Nurses delivering care

Nursing dashboard​


Nurses running an Assessment​

Click on the assessment button and search for required assessment, say: Nursing Admission Assessment. Assess the patient accordingly and then submit.

Nurses running an Initial Assessment

Nurses Indenting Drugs​

The nurse can indent drugs directly from EMAR. Running medicines will auto-populate or any drugs can be added for IP Pharmacy Store stock. Select batch number of indenting drug then continue.

Nurses Indenting Drugs

Nurses Administering Drugs​

Nurses have an option to mark the administration of the medication orders. System will automatically log time for the same yet the nurses can update the actual time of drug administration, when they cannot administer the system asks them for a reason and logs it.

The nurse can administer drugs in the Drug Chart. Click on ADM and choose the time when the drug was administered.

Nurses Administering Drugs

Nursing Notes (FDAR)​

FDAR stands for Focus Data Action Response. The nurse should add appropriate Focus and Data whenever any event happens. Action should be added after the action was performed.

FDAR Part 1

The action was completed nurse should add an appropriate Response according to the action.

FDAR Part 2